Sunday, June 29, 2008

My family

I don't really have anything to say so I would lke to talk about my family. Here are my family members:
1. Xiao Gui Gui One
2. Xiao Gui Gui Three
3. Gui Gui Wang
4. Da Gui Gui
5. Söt 1
6. Söt 2
7.Söt 3
8. Zhong Gui Gui
9.Ma Ma Gui
10. Pa Pa Gui (Dead)
And me!
There are histories books about my family, which is the royal family. So, if you want to know why my father died, then go read it. It's a sad story... But it's worth reading... It's my story...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I like the sound of that

Owner says I she is going to help my pick a blog skin. Yay! Then my blog will look nice. I think she is searching for a blog skin with the theme as 'Books'. Yay! I like books. Books are interesting and nice. You can learn things from books. You can gain knowledge from books. Books is what I call 'Good Stuff'. Yeah! If you know, Xiao Gui Gui Three got an empty Strawberr Kiss wrapper as a pillow. Owner last time found a Fruit Plus empty sweet wrapper too.(I mean empty sweet wrapper as in never open before but empty.) However, she searched and searched but she just can't find it. Poor owner. I wish I could help her. Gui Gui Wang got work for me to do. Bye Bye!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Yay! Finally! Owner decided I should have a blog since Xiao Gui Gui Three also have a blog. Xiao Gui Gui Three, Xiao Gui Gui One and me are Tripets. I am born a genius, actually... I have been waiting like, AGES to have a blog. Yippe! I will start posting now. Last time, when I was born, us Triplets were at the hospital. The doctor came and test my IQ and guess what happened! The machine showed 'ERROR IQ TOO MUCH'. Haha. It's true. If you don't belive, ask Gui Gui Wang. I live at Söt's house. Sometimes it gets noisy because my Söt will be practicing his new song and everyone will stuff a thousands of pillows on their ears because it sounds horrible. Owner is always writing new songs and selling it to Söt. The songs are OK. Sot got a new album called 'Cute me Cute you'. Yucks! See? Owner's songs are OK but Söt makes this knid of yucky names. I suggested 'First Söt Album' but he said it was too plain. Owner suggested 'Ding Dong Söt's Here' but Söt didn't like it and wanted to stick to 'Cute me Cute you'. Can't stand him. Xiao Gui Gui Three and One got their own blogs too. Go to my links and you can get to their blog. Xiao Gui Gui One is 'DragonFable King'. He won the 'Gui Gui City DF Contest' and he didn't cheat at all! His enemy, Cathy Hathy, got disqualified because he cheated. Cathy Hathy got twenty-five siblings! They are: Athy, Bathy, Cathy, Dathy, Ethy, Fathy, Gathy, Hathy, Ithy, Jathy, Kathy, Lathy, Mathy, Nathy, Othy, Pathy, Qathy, Rathy, Sathy, Tathy, Uathy, Vathy, Wathy, Xathy, Yathy, Zathy. This morning, Athy and Cathy came and demanded to see the contest video to see whether Xiao Gui Gui One cheated. Yeah, I think Söt help him cheat a little but then at first, when the video shows him cheating, the servent push them so they missed the part. Then another cheating part, the servent tripped over a stone and poured hot water on them. Then they shouted for ice so both the Söts used the 'Ice Machine' Which goes in a high speed and will turn normal ice cubes into sharp ice and it pirced them until they need to go to the hospial. Their parents came and the same thing happened to them. They call the police and today is Wednesday which is me and Xiao Gui Gui One' duty day. We know they are bad so both of us joined Söt into bullying them. Then did I mention blood was all around the living room? Söt called the Sparking Cleaner Company to scrub the celing, floor and walls. Heehee. Wow, I just found out I typed a lot so I think I should stop now. Hope you like my blog. :)